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Feel like taking a medicated bath? No problem! Kush Queen CBD and THC bath bombs, sold at dispensaries throughout California, are another way to get the benefits of the plant without actually smoking it. Just drop it in the bath, grab a couple of weed gummies, sit back, and relax as you enjoy the soak.


Living in the Pacific Northwest brings equal amounts of amazing and dreary to winter. To match my mood and immune-boosting needs of the season, I change up my daily CBD routine from October through March.

Since I work at Kush Queen, I’ve had the luxury of trying all the CBD, testing delivery methods and doses to find my perfect CBD routine. In this post, I share how I use Kush Queen products on an average winter day.

And yes, you can still be a KQ fan girl and work at the company, look at me :D 

My Daily CBD Routine Starts Every Morning

Time to Nourish My ECS and Set the Vibe

I’m a bit of an early bird, so my feet hit the floor between 6:00 - 6:30 am. First up, my morning routine, which includes the usual bathroom duties and my first topical dose of CBD. 

After washing and toning my face, I apply Defynt CBD Skin Serum. Defynt deeply moisturizes and calms my skin while giving the perfect daytime glow. I’m a bit of a renegade when it comes to skincare -  somedays I use Defynt, and that’s all, and others, I follow my CBD skin serum with a moisturizer.  

From the bathroom, I head straight to the kitchen where my wife is usually up, making our coffee. But first, a large glass of water and a dose of bäre CBD tincture.

Kush Queen's bäre CBD Tincture 

Taking bäre consistently every morning nourishes my endocannabinoid system, which supports immune health and assists with maintaining homeostasis throughout the body. I’ve tried all bäre doses (500mg- 5000mg) and found my sweet spot with the 1000mg dose. Taking a whole dropper’s worth gives me about 33mg of CBD in the morning.

This dose of bäre has a unique ability to help me start every day in just the right way; equal parts chill and focused.

From here, I crack open my computer and start my day at Kush Queen.

Kush Queen CBD Products I use every morning:

Afternoon Break and Mood Boost

CBG Gummies To the Rescue

The post-lunch slump is something that we can all relate to. Whether it’s low energy or motivational wane, I used to treat these feelings with coffee. Now, I grab a Gummies Rx Bliss CBG:CBD gummy or two. 

Kush Queen's Flight of CBD Gummies Holiday Gift Set

These gummies are the perfect afternoon pick me up! CBG, a lesser-known minor cannabinoid, delivers an uplifting feeling while the 15mg of CBD relaxes me just enough. I pair my Gummies Rx Bliss with a walk around my neighborhood for some fresh air.

Within about 15 minutes, my gummy kicks in, and the rest of my day glides right along!

Kush Queen CBD Products I take most afternoons:

  • Gummies Rx Bliss CBG:CBD 900mg

Nighttime Calls For Total Relaxation

This CBD Trio Hits Different Before Bed

I’m a bath lover, and even before Kush Queen you could find me in the tub a few nights a week and on Saturday mornings. So, at least two nights a week I soak in a high-dose CBD Bath Bomb

Kush Queen Holiday Edition CBD Bath Bomb

My current go-tos are Relieve 200mg CBD Bath Bomb, Sleep 200mg CBD Bath Bomb and the Holiday Edition 200mg CBD Bath Bomb. This full-body topical CBD application gives me full-body relief that eases tension and stress from the day and puts me in a state of relaxation before bed.  

After my bath, I always apply Melt CBD Relief Lotion to my neck, lower back, and feet. If your work is computer-based like mine, Melt’s feature ingredients (cooling menthol, warming capsicum, and camphor oil) get to work almost instantly on my everyday aches and pains like magic.

On nights when I’m struggling to detach from the day or feel the woes from a long workout, I add Gummies Rx Sleep CBN:CBD into my routine. These gummies get to the point and put me in a dreamy state quickly.

If you have trouble relaxing before bed or getting to sleep, give Gummies Rx Sleep a try. These gummies contain CBN, a minor cannabinoid that has been compared to a sedative or sleep inducing effect. 

Kush Queen CBD Products I use at night time:


At Kush Queen, we make products that we love.

Every day, I use Kush Queen CBD products to boost my mood, manage stress, and give me full-body relief when I need it.

I encourage you to test different products based on your daily wellness needs, try different delivery methods, and dial in what works for you to create a daily CBD routine that nourishes your body and mind.

If building a daily CBD routine is something new, check out our holiday CBD gift sets, these are perfect for finding favorites. 

My two recs are the Ultimate Daily Wellness Set and the Flight of Gummies. 

Let Kush Queen elevate you daily--I certainly do!


Shop Kush Queen CBD

It’s Olivia, founder of Kush Queen here! Today we are going to dig into the minor cannabinoid, CBN, and why we choose to bring CBN Gummies to our gummy product line. 

If you didn’t know, my family and I created Kush Queen products to help me treat my bipolar disorder. From a young age, I’ve dealt with various modes of mania like high energy and the reduced need for sleep. When I was 18 years old, the first thing I found the cannabis plant to help me with was sleep. That was the real turn point in my journey to discovering the benefits of specific major and minor cannabinoids, especially CBN.

My Journey To Better Sleep

A decade ago, there were no cannabis gummies or CBD ingestibles, like literally none. So, like most people trying to use cannabis for sleep, I would have to smoke every single night before bed. Over time, smoking nightly just didn’t work. 

Like the cannabis industry's evolution, I had my journey in unlocking the power of specific delivery methods. Once I discovered edibles, it was over for my nightly smoking routine. My dear friend, Delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC as most of us refer to it, in the form of an edible became my nightly routine. I would eat chocolate or gummies to get to sleep and stay asleep every night. For those seeking similar benefits, Kush Queen offers a variety of weed gummies, including Delta 9 gummies designed to help promote relaxation and restful sleep. But if I’m being honest, I always struggled with my dose, either too much or too little, never just right so I could sleep and not wake up feeling high. 

When we ingest a cannabis edible, a very sophisticated process occurs in our body. The Delta 9 THC is converted into 11 hydroxy in your liver. During this conversion the molecule’s potency increases. So, even though I was an old pro I frequently woke up feeling high and groggy. Nailing my dose was a big problem with THC edibles, even after 11 years of cannabis use.  

CBN sleep gummies

Then I Learned About CBN

There was always a rumor that CBN could help people sleep better than THC. When I was a budtender, people would come in looking for yellowed or decayed weed. Why? Well, aging cannabis was reportedly high in CBN. The decay was a sign of this lesser-known cannabinoid or minor cannabinoid, CBN being present. 

Back then accessing CBN was the problem, you couldn’t easily access CBN or consume cannabis that was grown specifically to highlight its properties. 

Why We Created CBN Gummies

With the recent growth of the cannabis and hemp markets, CBN has become more accessible. Once reliable access opened up, the Kush Queen team knew we had to explore this molecule. 

All of our product testing surrounded one question: would CBN be able to be better than THC for sleep?

Once we made our first batch of CBN gummies, we entered a serious phase of testing. You know I was first in line! 

With every single new product concept, I always battle the question, is this placebo, or is this a consistent targeted effect? But night after night, I got the best sleep of my life and the most life-changing part is that I had no hangover like with traditional THC edibles. 

After taking Sleep CBD and CBN gummies, I wake in the morning feeling well-rested. Ok, so that is my experience, what about others?

Our beta testers reported similar results. We even experimented with asking some to take it during the day. Would CBN have the ability to make us sleepy mid-day? It did and it's not advised to take when you need to be functioning and alert.  

CBN sleep gummies

For Me, Sleeping Well Equals Being Well

Sleep is the foundation of my wellness. Without sleep, I am simply a moody mess. I get sick easier, I get angry easier, and science supports why. So many major things go down when we sleep and the cannabis plant has always been the plant to take me to my best slumber. 

Now that we have the innovation and science to bring you our CBN gummies, it feels like we are truly harnessing the power of the plant. 

Give our Sleep CBD and CBN gummies a try to get to sleep and not have the next morning clouded by the previous night’s dose.


Like, seriously, what's not to love about a CBD bath bomb?!

CBD bath bombs are a great addition to your self-care routine. These wonderfully infused bath bombs can help you truly make the most out of your bath time ritual. The non-intoxicating CBD intensifies muscle relaxation and can simultaneously help your mind and body to unwind more easily. And, for those who prefer a different form of relaxation, CBD gummies can also offer a convenient, delicious way to de-stress.

Read on to learn some awesome benefits of CBD-infused bath bombs and to get some 'inspo' on which ones you should try.

Glamour Shot of Kush Queen CBD bath bomb Love Potion No. 9

Above: Kush Queen's Love Potion No. 9 CBD Bath Bomb

1. There Are Tons of Varieties

Much like all other bath bombs, CBD-infused ones come in a lot of different varieties. Kush Queen offers some that are tailor-made to promote rest and better sleep. We also have options to revamp and revitalize your skin and others that'll make you feel more energetic and engaged. 

The effect isn't the only factor to consider when purchasing a bath bomb. Aromatherapy is a common reason people use these quality products. Choose a scent that makes you feel better than before, such as citrus, florals, coffee, or peppermint. As we always say, the nose knows. 

If you're unsure about which color or scent is best for you, get a mini bath bomb variety pack and test out the multiple types of bath bombs we offer.


2. They're Easy to Use

CBD is generally pretty easy to use, but bath bombs take convenience to a whole new level. There is no need to decipher complex instructions as you would with a tincture or an edible; in this case, you simply put a bath bomb in the tub and let it work its magic. 

Because our bath bombs already come with the appropriate amount of CBD infused in them, you don't need to worry about perfecting your dosage either. Just sit back, watch the colors swirl in the water, and enjoy the therapeutic scent as it fills the air. Likewise, THC gummies and Weed Gummies are also pre-dosed, offering a worry-free experience.


3. They Magnify Healing Effects

Baths are incredibly healing no matter the circumstances. Stretching and moving in water provides strength through resistance. Plus, baths can help you breathe better and potentially improve both your brain and nervous system.

Certain studies suggest that baths can help your heart and make you more immune to diseases, but these are not 100% proven as fact. 

It's undeniable, however, that baths feel good and benefit your muscles, joints, and bones. Additionally, since hot water opens pathways that provide more oxygen to your brain, aromatherapy from bath bomb scents is likely very effective.


4. They Provide a Spa-Like Experience

Spas are intended to relax both your mind and body, and that's what CBD bath bombs do. Head-to-toe relaxation leads to less anxiety, and less anxiety leads to overall better mental and physical health.

Also, since these products are a true luxury, Kush Queen CBD bath bombs will make you feel like all types of high-class royalty from home. (It's giving a glowing Riri amidst the hustle and bustle of NYC).

Best of all, each bath bomb that we offer is price-comparable with other high-quality bath and body companies. Since these other companies don't let you reap the benefits of CBD infusion, this is a huge benefit. 


5. They May Heal Muscle Pain

Did you know that clinical studies have suggested that CBD indirectly improves the immune system's response to pain? CBD eliminates negative hormones and the proliferation of T-cells within the body. The CB1 and CB2 receptors in your natural body are strengthened and help to reduce muscle and joint pain.

CBD bath bombs will prove especially effective at this because they immerse your entire body in CBD. Unlike with a tincture or edible, you will be surrounded by its healing properties. This helps to promote your holistic health in all areas of the body.


6. They Can Benefit Your Skin

Regular bath bombs can benefit your skin in general because of the essential oils infused within them. These oils nourish, moisturize, and revitalize your skin to keep it smooth and comfortable. CBD bath bombs also incorporate basic essential oils in addition to cannabis, so they retain these benefits. However, like the other properties of baths, CBD magnifies these effects.  

2020 study suggests that there is therapeutic potential for CBD to help those with skin disorders become healthier. It also is likely proactive in keeping healthy skin moist and preventing problems further down the line.

While the overall topical benefits are still being studied, you should 100% try it to see if it works for you. Many users cite that there's a lot of truth to this research, proclaiming how CBD makes their skin feel revitalized and nourished. Since bath bombs touch all of your skin, this is a great way to try it out.


Get Relaxing CBD Bath Bombs Today

While there are tons of ways you can relax, the only thing that can compete with a hot bath is a dose of CBD. Luckily, you don't need to choose between the two! 

Now that you know why CBD bath bombs are an amazing choice, it's time to start shopping. Browse our online shop to find the perfect bath bombs for your next bath time ritual. 

We're committed to helping you have the R&R that you crave, and we look forward to working with you soon. 

It's that time of the year again, friends! The season of joy, giving, and of course, a bit of stress too. But worry not, Kush Queen is here to make your days extra special with our annual gift guide, self care inspiration, and 420 deals for the highest holiday season! For a delightful way to unwind, check out our CBD gummies collection—perfect for a relaxing holiday treat.

As the world whirls with pressure, sugar, alcohol, and the darkness of winter, we believe in prioritizing your wellness and self-care so you can show up throughout the end of the year for yourself, friends, and loved ones. The holidays should be all about spreading love and joy, not stress.  For those looking for something a little stronger, our THC gummies collection offers a euphoric, hangover-free holiday alternative. Whether you’re new to edibles or a seasoned pro, weed gummies are a fun and delicious way to relax and elevate your celebrations this season. If you want to try something new, our Delta 9 gummies for a delicious and relaxing way to elevate your holiday celebrations without the typical downsides of alcohol.

After seeing the countless gift guides, Amazon toy catalogs and giftsets starting to hit the shelves, and none of them speak to taking time for yourself, giving the gift of deep relaxation or having a high holiday, we got to work! Plus, we have a bunch of new faces around here, and want to give you some inspiration for gifting thoughtful Kush Queen favorites!

Whether you're looking for the perfect gift for yourself, friend or a loved one, Kush Queen has you covered with a selection of cannabis products to elevate you daily. 

Self Care Gifts

Unwind and Recharge with Kush Queen CBD Bath Bombs and Topicals

Kush Queen CBD Bath Bombs


The time from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve can be non stop parties, delicious dinners, major fun and some of the busiest and let's be real, stressful times of the year. We’re here to remind you to pause and build in moments of tranquility through it all, you most definitely deserve it! 

Let's dive into the list of spa-quality therapeutic experiences of Kush Queen self care gifts perfect for this holiday season. Our 250mg CBD Bath Bombs are a luxurious escape, providing relaxation and relief for both your body and mind.

And for those moments when the stress starts to take its toll, our Melt CBD Pain Lotion is your go-to, offering a soothing touch and rejuvenation.

Prioritize self-care and let the holiday season bring you not just excitement but also serenity

CBD Bath Bombs

Gift the #1 CBD Bath Bomb In The World

The perfect stocking stuffers and our top rated self care gift each year! What better way to unwind after a long winter day than with a luxurious bath bomb infused with 250mg of CBD?

These ASMR wonders are designed to soothe your body and mind, providing a decompressing experience based on color therapy, aromatherapy, and a full body cannabinoid soak. 

Kush Queen Melt CBD Pain Relief Lotion

Melt CBD Lotion

Perfectly Named, Delivers Near Instant Body Relief

For those moments when tension takes over your body, our Melt CBD Lotion can be your best friend. Infused with premium ingredients, Melt CBD Lotion is designed to provide quick relief and soothe any area the aloe juice base is applied.

This is a great gift for gym lovers, gamer girlies or those with nagging aches. 

Renew CBD Scrub

Under appreciated and powerfully soothing 

Hello, buffed glowing skin for holiday card pics. Renew CBD Sugar Scrub leaves any skin type soothed, and moisturized. The organic sugar base, CBD and jojoba oil work together to remove dead skin, clean pores and moisturize. Great for all skin types and full-body use from your neck to your feet. Plus, its under $20!

420 Deals For The Highest Holidays

An Elevated (Hangover Free) Holiday Is The Vibe

Kush Queen Highly THC Drink

This holiday season, redefine your festive experience with Kush Queen as an alternative to alcohol. We’ve got mico doses, infused wine inspired seltzers, gummies and 420 deals! Kush Queen delivers a unique sense of euphoria and uplift without the drawbacks of alcohol. 

Boost THC Tincture

Unmatched for convenience and effectiveness

Elevate your spirits and energize your gatherings with our Boost nano concentrate. This THC and CBD blend can provide a sense of euphoria Think instant onset, plus the most discrete consumption you've ever experienced. Micro or macro-dose...the choice is yours. Boost can be added to anything, giving you the freedom to infuse as you wish.

Who spiked the holiday punch? Kush Queen ;)

Highly THC Nosé

Light, Dry, Will Get You High

Introducing Highly THC Nosé, a refreshing sparkling beverage combining the elegance of rosé with the elevated benefits of THC. Crafted to captivate your senses and transport you to a state of pure bliss, Highly Nosé is your go to party drink, perfectly crushable, totally sharable.

Kush Queen Weed Gummies

THC Gummies

Highly Delicious, Infused Gummies

When you're looking for a delightful and easy way to chill out, Kush Queen gummies are a fantastic choice. These gummies come in a variety of delicious flavors, potency and are designed to keep the vibes right and the typically edible scaries away!

The Kush Queen gummies starter pack is the perfect gift for friends looking to try infused gummies for the first time.

Gifting Pleasure and Sexual Wellness

Voted by Cosmo as the #1 pick for water-based sex lube.

Kush Queen Water-Based Lube

The winter chill is no match for the warmth of passion that can build under the mistletoe! Kush Queen offers a range of products designed to enhance your pleasure and sexual wellness.

Our premium lubricants, specially crafted with CBD and THC, are perfect for solo or partner play, creating an atmosphere of heightened intimacy and comfort. But the sensuality doesn't stop there. Sweeten the deal with our infused gummies, setting the mood just right for a memorable evening with your partner.

Kush Queen Water Based THC Lube

Water Based THC Lube

Experience friction-free pleasure

Our premium lubes are designed to ignite the senses and enhance intimacy, ensuring a warm and cozy winter season in more ways than one.  We've cracked the code of balancing increased sensation and relaxed muscles. Infused with Delta 8 THC, our lube delivers just the right amount of THC to the V, the D, and the B. 

Mood Boosting  

CBG Gummies Are Perfect For Setting The Mood

Don't forget to sweeten the deal with our Bliss CBG Gummies. They deliver a light uplifting mood boost with a balanced chill vibe. Perfect for reducing wandering thoughts and in the moment. 

Kush Queen Subscriptions

Gift the power of self care, wellness and cannabis all year long

Shop Holiday Gift Sets

The gift of Kush Queen isn't just for a limited time; it's a year-round delight. Whether you're a last-minute shopper or have loved ones scattered far and wide, our subscription service has you covered. Choose from any of our fantastic Kush Queen products and take advantage of our subscribe and save feature. It's a convenient way to ensure that the relaxation and joy Kush Queen offers extend beyond the holidays. 

And here's a little insider tip: We highly suggest you subscribe to our emails and SMS for exclusive deals all holiday season long. 

You never know when Kush Queen might get a little too high on holiday spirit and start giving away the store (it's been known to happen). So, don't miss out on the festivities and keep an eye on your inbox for some extra special surprises.

This holiday season, let Kush Queen help you and your loved ones make the most of the holidays, not just by surviving them, but by truly thriving. It's time to spread the love, relaxation, and good vibes.

Happy holidays from the Kush Queen family!

Bathing in Plant Magic: Why Your Lush Bath Bombs Could Never 

When it comes to transforming your bathing experience into a truly magical ritual, there's nothing quite like Kush Queen's infused bath bombs. While Lush bath bombs have gained popularity for their vibrant colors and delightful scents (and please don’t misunderstand, we LOVE Lush) but we firmly believe a certain magical component is needed to elevate the bath bomb experience. In this article, we'll explore why Kush Queen's bath bombs outshine their Lush counterparts by infusing THC and CBD into the formulation along with quality plant therapy essential oils, creating a true magical experience. 


Lush Bath Bombs Review - What the Kush Queen LOVES

Lush has mastered the art of creating visually stunning and wonderfully scented hand-made bath bombs that certainly elevate any bathing experience. The wide range of vibrant colors, delightful fragrances, and mesmerizing fizz make each bath feel like a whimsical escape. Although lacking the therapeutic benefits from THC and CBD, Lush bath bombs provide a joyful and enchanting journey for those seeking a splash of color and a fragrant oasis. For those seeking a deeper sense of relief for pain, sleeplessness or stress - Kush Queen’s infused bath bombs may just steal your heart, mind and body. 


The Power of THC and CBD: Elevating Your Bathing Experience

 Kush Queen Sleep Bath Bombs

THC Bath Bombs Enhance Therapeutic Properties

When it comes to enhancing your relaxation, Lush bath bombs can't compete with the cannabinoid-infused bliss offered by Kush Queen's THC CBD bath bombs. THC and CBD are renowned for their therapeutic properties, offering a multitude of benefits such as stress relief, pain management, and relaxation. By incorporating these powerful compounds into their bath bombs, Kush Queen provides a transformative experience that goes beyond simple relaxation.


Unveiling the Secrets of Plant Therapy Essential Oils

Kush Queen takes it a step further with their plant therapy essential oil blends. These carefully selected oils are not only aromatic but also carry unique properties that promote physical and emotional well-being. Whether you seek tranquility, energy, or balance, Kush Queen's bath bombs offer a harmonious blend of essential oils that work synergistically to create a truly immersive experience.

Convenience at Your Fingertips: Finding CBD Bath Bombs Near You Is Easier Than Ever

When it comes to availability, Kush Queen's CBD bath bombs offer a distinct advantage. While Lush bath bombs can be found in their stores or online, Kush Queen takes convenience a step further by providing CBD bath bombs at various local retailers. A simple search for "CBD bath bombs near me" will lead you to a treasure trove of options, ensuring you can indulge in plant magic no matter where you are.

Kush Queen Sleep Bath Bombs

THC Bath Bombs + THC Gummies, Taking Baths Even Higher

Achieve total relaxation and tranquility by combining the delightful effects of CBD or THC Bath Bombs with delicious, weed gummies, or THC gummies. Allow the warm water caresses your skin and the fragrant fizzy bubbles dance around you as your senses awaken to a whole new level of euphoria. Kush Queen Tip: Take your THC gummy a few minutes before you begin your bath time preparation and allow the onset to come on while you sink into your relaxing soak.

 Essential Oil Baths Are Essential For Your Wellness Routine

Warm baths with therapeutic essential oils offers several benefits that make them essential for any wellness routine. 

  1. Relaxation and stress relief: Essential oils like lavender, chamomile, and ylang-ylang have calming properties that help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve sleep quality.

  2. Mood enhancement: Citrus essential oils such as bergamot, orange, and lemon can uplift your mood, boost energy levels, and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

  3. Muscle relaxation: Essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, and rosemary have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe sore muscles, reduce pain, and ease tension.

  4. Respiratory relief: Eucalyptus, tea tree, and pine essential oils have decongestant properties that can alleviate respiratory conditions like colds, coughs, and sinus congestion, making it easier to breathe.

  5. Skin nourishment: Essential oils like rose, jojoba, and chamomile can moisturize and nourish the skin, helping to improve its appearance and provide relief from dryness, itching, and inflammation.

  6. Take it up a notch with CBD & THC Bath Bombs to empower your body to better absorb and regulate the benefits from your relaxing soak.

 Kush Queen Black Magic Bath Bombs

Conclusion: Weed Bath Bombs Are The Future

While Lush bath bombs have long held the spotlight in the bath bomb industry, the emergence of Kush Queen's THC CBD bath bombs has revolutionized the way we approach relaxation and self-care. By incorporating the power plant magic (via THC & CBD), plant therapy essential oils, and natural ingredients, Kush Queen offers an unparalleled bathing experience that leaves Lush bath bombs in the dust.

So, why settle for ordinary when you can elevate your bath time with the enchanting wonders of plant magic? Discover the transformative power of Kush Queen's bath bombs and immerse yourself in a truly magical bathing ritual.


GRWM meaning, the Kush Queen Way. 

GRWM, short for "Get Ready With Me," refers to the process of documenting and sharing one's preparation routine for a specific event or occasion, such as date nights, gaining popularity due to its relatability and connections with others through shared experiences. The GRWM Kush Queen Edition will include some tips to elevate your mind, body, and intimate experiences with that special someone. 


Before She Leaves The Door

Date Night Makeup - Of course when I’m going out either with me, myself, and I or with someone special, I’m going to take my everyday makeup and add a few steps to turn it into date night makeup. While I've dialed it back a little over the years, you’ll always find me with a dewy evening look, bronzer in just the right places and a little contour. My makeup must haves for date night makeup are tarte’s shape tape glow powder, and hydroflex serum foundation.

Date Night Outfits - I live in Southern California and date night outfits can range from vintage tees and jeans to the latest trending look, depending on the activity and my mood, I try to pick something that I’ll be comfy in. To me, comfort will always rule. Pick something that a) you feel cute in and b) you won’t have regrets after having a 3 course dinner. You won’t find me skipping dessert!

Date Night Dresses - Calling myself out here, I feel so flirty and femme in dresses. 90% of the time, I’ll opt for date night dresses over a pants/top outfit. Something about a flowy silhouette, calls in my femininity and power -  perfect for going out and feeling confident!



GRWM Kush Queen Edition, Olivia's Essentials

Essentials for Her Purse

Cannabis - LOL, they don’t call me weed.bae for nothing. At all times, you can find at least 3 Kush Queen products in my purse. Delta 9 Gummies, THC Gummies, and weed gummies are staples and then probably a random vape.  

Aquaphor - Yes, I’m that girlie. I put Aquaphor on everything and will always have an XL tube in my bag. I’m also the low key group “mom” that has this type of stuff with them at all times in the event of an injury, cracked skin or keeping lips perfectly moisturized. 

Water-Based THC Lube - Lube?! Not so common right, but hear me out. I got this tip from a Kush Queen customer during a dispensary demo. This lady was buying 8 bottles of lubes and I had to ask about the use case for that much lube! My queen told me, "I put Kush Queen CBD lube on when I need to center myself, claim my space in high intensity environments and feel connected." Turns out, she was an executive in male dominant meetings where she wanted to give herself an edge. I tried it and haven’t looked back. A little infused lube goes a long way when it comes to feeling yourself purr. 

Kush Queen's Water-Based THC Lube

Water-Based Lube For When The Night Gets Spicy 

Why Use Water-Based Lube?

  • Compatibility: Water-based lubricants are compatible with various types of condoms, including latex and polyisoprene, making them a safe option for protected sexual activities. They also work well with sex toys, ensuring a smooth, pleasurable and fun experience.

  • Natural Feel: Water-based lubes mimic the body's natural lubrication, providing a smooth and comfortable glide during intimate moments.

  • Easy Clean-up: One of the advantages of water-based lubricants is that they are easy to clean up. They wash away easily with water and don't stain fabrics, making post-intimacy clean-up hassle-free.

  • Versatility: Water-based lubricants can be used for various types of sexual activities. Kush Queen’s CBD Lube is perfect for the D, the V, and the B.

  • Hypoallergenic: Water-based lubes are generally hypoallergenic and less likely to cause irritation or reactions. Great for individuals with sensitive skin or allergies.


Finding The Right Lube

Sex lubes come in different types: water-based, silicone-based, and oil-based. Water-based lubes are versatile and condom-compatible. Silicone-based lubes are long-lasting and great for water activities. Oil-based lubes can feel luxurious but are not safe with latex condoms. Read labels, consider preferences, test for allergies, and check compatibility with condoms and toys.

 Kush Queen Water-Based Infused Lube

Normal Water-Based Lube is Great, CBD Lubricant is Even Better

CBD infused lubricants are a premier choice to elevate your sexual experiences to the next level.  Why use a CBD lubricant

  1. Increased Sensation: CBD has been reported to promote heightened sensitivity and arousal. When applied as a lubricant, CBD can potentially intensify pleasure by increasing blood flow and enhancing the body's natural sensations, leading to a more fulfilling and enjoyable experience.

  2. Relaxation and Reduced Discomfort: CBD is known for its potential calming and relaxing properties. When used as a lubricant, it may help reduce discomfort, tension, and anxiety, creating a more comfortable and enjoyable environment for intimate activities.

  3. Potential Aphrodisiac Effects: Cannabis has been associated with potential aphrodisiac properties, which can help create a more sensual and intimate atmosphere. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, CBD lubricants may contribute to an increased sense of connection and intimacy with your partner.

  4. Moisturizing and Soothing: CBD-infused lubricants often contain additional moisturizing and soothing ingredients that can benefit the delicate skin in intimate areas. This can help prevent dryness and provide a more comfortable and pleasurable experience during intimacy.

  5. Overall Wellness Benefits: CBD is known for its potential wellness benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. While further research is needed, some individuals may choose CBD lubricants to potentially support overall wellness and balance in their intimate lives.

 Kush Queen CBD Lube

CBD FOR SEX, More Ways Than One

There are several ways to incorporate CBD into your sexual experiences. Here are a few common methods:

  • CBD-infused lubricants: You can find CBD-infused lubricants specifically designed for sexual use. These lubricants can enhance arousal, increase blood flow, and provide a pleasurable sensation.

  • CBD sex gummies or edibles: Consuming CBD edibles or taking CBD oil orally before engaging in sexual activities may promote relaxation and reduce anxiety, helping you feel more present and connected with your partner.

  • Topical CBD application: Applying CBD-infused creams, oils, or balms directly to erogenous zones or areas of tension can potentially enhance sensitivity, increase blood flow, and provide a tingling or warming sensation.

  • CBD capsules or tinctures: Taking CBD capsules or using tinctures sublingually can provide a systemic effect, potentially promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety, and improving overall mood and well-being.


Is High Sex the Best Sex?

For those looking to take it up just another notch, psychoactive cannabis products with THC may be more in your direction. THC products can also have enhancing effects on sexual experiences, such as increasing sensory awareness, intensifying sensations, promoting relaxation and creating a sense of in-the-moment euphoria.

And it doesn't just have to be for sex! Getting a lil high with your date could add an extra bit of of fun to your dinner, movie night or make that magical park in the walk feel just that much more magical.

GRWM Kush Queen style definitely kicks things up a notch for date nights! Ready to ignite your passion and elevate your intimate experiences?

Don't miss out on the chance to experience the transformative effects of our Water-Based CBD Lube

Kush strains have captivated cannabis enthusiasts worldwide with their distinct characteristics, enticing aromas, and unique effects. From the legendary OG Kush to the flavorful Khalifa Kush and the tantalizing Lemonade Kush, each strain offers a captivating experience for cannabis connoisseurs. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the wonders and differences among some of the most popular Kush strains.

What even is “Kush”? A Quick Kush 101

"Kush" is a term used to describe a specific lineage or family of cannabis strains. It originated from the Hindu Kush mountain range, which spans across Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. Kush strains are known for their distinct characteristics, including dense buds, earthy or hash-like aromas.

Kush strains are typically indica-dominant, meaning they have a higher concentration of cannabinoids that promote relaxation and sedation, making them popular choices for relaxation, pain relief, and stress reduction.

Over time, the term "Kush" has been used more broadly to describe a wide variety of cannabis strains with similar characteristics, regardless of their actual lineage. It has become a popular and recognizable name in the cannabis community, often used to denote potent and relaxing varieties of cannabis.

Kush Queen's Kush Strain Master Class

What is the most popular Kush Strain? 

OG Kush 

Key Features: A legendary strain that serves as the backbone of many Kush varieties, known for its pungent aroma and potent effects.

Effects: OG Kush delivers a euphoric and uplifting high, promoting creativity and relaxation.

Aroma and Flavor: Expect a complex blend of earthy, citrus, and diesel notes that entices the senses.

Pro tip: Pair your favorite Kush strain with CBD gummies for a smooth, relaxing experience, or try THC gummies if you’re looking for a more potent effect.

What are the best Kush Strains?

A more complicated question than meets the eye.

The effects of marijuana can vary from person to person due to factors like brain chemistry, genetics, and personal preferences. Different strains have varying levels of cannabinoids (such as THC and CBD) and terpenes, which contribute to their effects. Kush Strains, although all serving from the same strain (Kush) may be crossed with other strains that may or may not work better for certain individuals. It's important to find strains that align with individual needs and preferences through experimentation, education and responsible use.

In case you need a good place to start...

Here are some of Kush Queen’s favorite Kush Strains.

Kush Mints Strain:

Key Features: A delightful hybrid known for its refreshing minty flavor and potent effects.

Effects: Inducing a balanced high, Kush Mints combines cerebral euphoria with physical relaxation.

Aroma and Flavor: Expect a unique blend of mint, herbal notes, and hints of earthiness.

Purple Kush:

Key Features: A renowned indica strain cherished for its stunning purple hues and powerful sedating effects.

Effects: Purple Kush offers deep relaxation, euphoria, and tranquility, making it ideal for unwinding and stress relief.

Aroma and Flavor: This strain exudes a sweet, grape-like aroma with subtle earthy undertones.

Khalifa Kush:

Key Features: Crafted by rapper Wiz Khalifa, this hybrid strain offers a unique and potent experience.

Effects: Khalifa Kush delivers a heady, cerebral high combined with physical relaxation, perfect for unwinding.

Aroma and Flavor: Enjoy a medley of sweet and citrusy flavors with hints of pine and spice.

LA Kush Cake Strain:

Key Features: This indica-dominant hybrid is celebrated for its decadent flavors and calming effects.

Effects: LA Kush Cake induces deep relaxation, melting away stress and tension.

Aroma and Flavor: Indulge in a delectable blend of sweet vanilla, earthy undertones, and hints of citrus.

Bubba Kush:

Key Features: A classic indica strain cherished for its soothing and sedative properties.

Effects: Bubba Kush offers profound relaxation, helping users unwind and promote sleep.

Aroma and Flavor: Experience a delightful fusion of coffee, chocolate, and earthy undertones.

Kush Queen's Kush Strain Master Class

Lemonade Kush:

Key Features: A sativa-dominant strain known for its invigorating effects and citrusy flavor.

Effects: Lemonade Kush offers a burst of energy, focus, and uplifted mood, making it ideal for daytime use.

Aroma and Flavor: Enjoy the zesty, lemony aroma coupled with sweet undertones.

Kosher Kush:

Key Features: This potent indica strain is celebrated for its robust effects and unique aroma.

Effects: Kosher Kush induces deep relaxation, sedation, and an overall sense of calm.

Aroma and Flavor: Experience the rich blend of earthy, spicy, and piney notes with a hint of sweetness.

Triangle Kush Strain:

Key Features: An indica-dominant strain originating from Florida, renowned for its potent effects and distinct aroma.

Effects: Triangle Kush induces deep relaxation, sedation, and a sense of euphoria.

Aroma and Flavor: Enjoy the pungent, earthy aroma with hints of pine and citrus.

Afghan Kush:

Key Features: A pure indica strain hailing from the Hindu Kush mountain range, celebrated for its robust and tranquilizing effects.

Effects: Afghan Kush delivers a deeply relaxing body high, relieving pain and promoting sleep.

Aroma and Flavor: Experience the earthy, woody aroma with sweet and spicy undertones.

Kush Queen's Kush Strain Masterclass

Platinum Kush:

Key Features: An indica-dominant hybrid with eye-catching platinum silver hues, known for its potent and relaxing properties.

Effects: Platinum Kush offers a euphoric and calming high, melting away stress and tension.

Aroma and Flavor: Enjoy the sweet, floral aroma with notes of pine and hints of citrus.

Blackberry Kush:

Key Features: A flavorful indica strain with vibrant purple hues and a reputation for its sedative effects.

Effects: Blackberry Kush induces deep relaxation and tranquility, making it ideal for evening use.

Aroma and Flavor: Experience the sweet, berry-like aroma combined with earthy undertones.

Banana Kush:

Key Features: An indica-dominant hybrid with a unique banana-like aroma and a reputation for its calming effects.

Effects: Banana Kush promotes relaxation, stress relief, and a blissful sense of euphoria.

Aroma and Flavor: Enjoy the delightful tropical scent of ripe bananas, complemented by hints of citrus and spices.

 Kush Queen's Kush Masterclass - Learn About the Soak and Toke


Got Kushy Weed on the brain?

Experience the ultimate relaxation or elevate your chill to new heights with our range of premium, indoor grown hemp smokables, carefully crafted to deliver your desired vibe with every puff.  With effects ranging from deep relaxation to lifted chill, your desired vibe is only a flame away, shop now.

Pro tip...try a soak and toke with our award-winning infused bath bombs, and for an added treat, pair the experience with weed gummies for a deeper sense of relaxation. Here's our guide to soaking and toking like a real Kush Queen!



Two of the most commonly known components of the cannabis plant, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), have both been shown to have relieving properties. In this blog post, we'll explore how THC and CBD can help deliver relief throughout the body, as well as their effectiveness when used together.

How Does THC Help Relieve Body?

THC works by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a key role in regulating pain. The ECS is made up of receptors, enzymes, and endocannabinoids (cannabinoids produced naturally by the body), and THC can bind to and activate these receptors.

When THC binds to the receptor, it can help reduce pain by inhibiting the transmission of pain signals in the spinal cord and brain, aka delivering mind and body relief. In addition, THC can also help reduce inflammation, which can contribute to the overall feeling of pain.

CBD Helps Relieve Pain In A Similar But Different Way

Like THC, CBD also interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system. However, it does not bind to pain receptors quite like THC does. Instead, CBD works by increasing the levels of the endocannabinoid anandamide, which can help reduce pain and inflammation body wide.

CBD also interacts with other receptors in the body, such as the serotonin and vanilloid receptors, which can also play a role in overall pain relief.

Better Together, The Synergistic Effectiveness of THC and CBD for Relief

While cannabis focused research is still underserved, there is a growing body of scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of THC and CBD for pain relief

In a 2018 review of studies on cannabis and pain, researchers found that both THC and CBD can help reduce pain and improve sleep in people with chronic pain conditions. A 2015 systematic review of studies on CBD found that it can be an effective treatment for a range of conditions associated with pain.

THC and CBD are two of the most well-known components of cannabis, and both have been shown to have pain-relieving properties. While more research is needed to fully understand how they work and their effectiveness for different types of pain, the scientific evidence so far is promising. 

Get Real Relief From A Range of Kush Queen Products

Your body goes through so much from birth to childhood and into adulthood, it's time to get the relief you deserve. Kush Queen’s intentionally designed plant-based tools are developed to deliver consistent relief. Here are our best selling, relief delivering products: 

Kush Queen THC Gummies 


The potent combo of deep relaxation and balance is now yours. Kush Queen's Delta 9 gummies deliver full spectrum, whole-plant benefits that unlock new levels of cannabinoid wellness.

Kush Queen THC Gummies

Kush Queen CBD Gummies

We curate high-quality, full-spectrum hemp extract and take the utmost care to ensure our CBD Gummies deliver consistent, accurate dosing that you can feel.

Kush Queen CBD Gummies

Kush Queen 1:1 CBD & THC Bath Bombs


The dispensary grade, 1:1 Bath Bomb delivers deep relief that gets you out of the pain body and into a state of relaxation.

Kush Queen 1:1 CBD & THC Bath Bomb

Kush Queen Relieve 1000mg CBD Bath Bomb


Our Relieve 1000mg CBD Bath Bomb is the ultimate combination of essential oils and CBD for maximum pain relief.

Kush Queen Relieve 1000mg CBD Bath Bomb

Melt Pain Relief Lotion


Melt is a revolutionary CBD relief lotion powered by Amplifi Nanotechnology that delivers instant relief. We were over coconut oil-based topicals, so we created Melt with a more advanced formulation built for instant full spectrum CBD absorption.

Kush Queen Melt Pain Relief Lotion

Whether you're dealing with life impairing tension or everyday aches, THC and CBD can be a natural and effective way to find relief.


Give your body the relief it's asking for, shop Kush Queen's Relief Collection.

Written By: Carly Fisher

Come closer, I am going to let you in on a little secret: until recently asked, I had no idea where the term 4/20 originated. It’s true! Hopefully, this admission provides some reassurance to those who are new to the game that you can always learn new things—and still humble yourself 20 years later. 

Despite being a seasoned weed witch who has called upon Miss Mary Jane in all her countless, beautiful forms since I was a teen and a veteran cannasseur capable of developing a complex alignment of the psychological effects of cannabinoids and terpenes with the mystical lunar cycles of the astrological calendar, I was somehow completely clueless about the ubiquitous sequence of numbers gracing the sides of bongs, commemorated as an universally recognized day of shamelessly toking up and among the most frequently-used gif files on my Instagram stories. Imagine my embarrassment.

High History: A Brief 4/20 Recap

Like many others, I was under the false impression that “420” was a police code for the possession of marijuana.

It turns out that it is not, though, in an ironic twist of fate, is now being used within enacted legislature as a bureaucratic wink-nod to the culture, such as H.R. 420 Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act, the S.420 Marijuana Revenue and Regulation Act and California Senate Bill 420.

The real story remains a well-documented countercultural urban legend, immortalized by former High Times legacy editor, Steven Hager, who recounts a group of pot-smoking teens under the guise “the Waldos” who coined the term in the 1970s at San Rafael High School in California, where they’d use “420” as a shorthand for their regular smoke ups at the campus statue of Louis Pasteur at—you guessed it—4:20 p.m.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, “‘Waldo Steve,’ a member of the group who now owns a business in San Francisco, says the Waldos would salute each other in the school hallway and say ‘420 Louis!’” The term eventually became a catch-all dog whistle to discreetly refer to marijuana and its effects.

Kush Queen Flower


Today, the term has been adopted as a global day of civil disobedience and political reckoning for the legalization, regulation, and decriminalization of industrial hemp, medical marijuana and recreational cannabis, as well as calls for reparative justice for marginalized communities unfairly impacted by the War on Drugs. This includes smoke- filled concerts. protests, marches, performance art, dancing, parties and other demonstrations in cities around the world, like New York, Washington, D.C., San Francisco and Berkeley, Denver, Toronto, Vancouver, Mexico City and Montreal.

And if you work in the weed industry?

Expect a pretty heavy workday! Just like picking up a shift on New Year’s Eve, it’s always more fun to not be working, but certainly do-able. 

While the West Coast helped pioneer what we presently know as the multi-billion dollar cannabis industry, speculation continues to surround the future of New York and how that will influence the rest of the country in the wake of legalization. A certain amount of mental gymnastics are often required to make sense of this cultural paradox filled with murky areas of accessibility, quality and acceptable social norms impacting so many communities. It’s at once omnipresent and covert; serious and unserious; inclusive and exclusive.

For that reason, it remains a bit ironic that many users still face hurdles overcoming reductive stigmas and labels when you consider the tremendous complexities that exist scratching beneath the surface. From the fundamental realities of local and international governing law, taxation, business practices, agriculture, and medtech that will impact innumerable conditions, to points of differentiation and advancement within holistic health, the emergence of luxury goods, bioethical considerations and the legitimization of ancient ritualistic practices and standard intake. So much for being “a stupid Pothead.”


Kush Queen: The History of 420

Once upon a time, you‘d get what you’d get.

Often, that meant taking a whiff of a bag, saying “Smells good,’ then handing off a wad of cash to your dealer.

Occasionally, there might be a choice between sativa or indica, and a strain name. Lucky travelers might incur some local flavor in the form of legendary and landrace strains like pineapple-laced Maui Wowee in Hawaii, Amnesia Haze in the Netherlands, Lamb’s Breath in Jamaica, Acapulco Gold in Mexico, Durban Poison in South Africa or Thai Stick in Thailand.

The most enlightening discovery, however, is the covert history of medical patients who had been using cannabis to self-treat conditions, including Rick Simpson, who famously healed his skin cancer with a highly concentrated cannabis oil dubbed Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) that he supplied to others free of charge along with DIY tips for making at home, as well as the underground marijuana brownie delivery business, Sticky Fingers Brownies, operated by Meridy Volz in San Francisco during the height of the AIDS crisis and documented in her daughter Alia Volz’s journalistic memoir, Home Baked. That’s not counting the countless ancient healers who have integrated the plant within their practices pre-dating prohibition.

420 Vibes Post-Prop 64

Post-legalization along the West Coast has given rise to a new wave of finely engineered hybrid strains and luxury products ranging from gourmet edibles and finely crafted stash boxes to sumptuous bath bombs and top-shelf, small batch, intelligently designed products (thanks, Kush Queen!).

2 years ago, New York City announced the passing of the Marihuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) —bizarrely the day before April Fool’s. The city was mostly quiet, as I walked through the Village after long periods of isolated captivity. A dry herb vaporizer miraculously showed up, which I took to the Hudson River, where I sat in the misty rain watching the boats sail by as I cried—crying with relief, joy and grief.

By the time 4/20 arrived, Washington Square Park became its annual spectacle, heralding warmer days filled with flowers and the promise of a new wave of culture emerging from so much darkness. Cities around the world followed suit, smoking up in solidarity.

So, what is 420 to me?

For me, 4/20 is a moment to relax and practice self-care. It’s a time to appreciate the present, to feel and experience life earnestly. And yes, 4/20 has also become a multi-billion dollar industry that transcends realities in ways we never imagined. But at its core, it’s still a celebration of the plant that’s helped so many of us.

If you're looking for a way to unwind this 4/20, try our CBD Gummies or explore the more intense effects of THC Gummies. They’re perfect for finding that balance between relaxation and focus, without feeling overwhelmed.

That’s what I love most about Kush Queen—it’s accessible. You don’t need to be a cannabis expert to enjoy a CBD bath bomb or treat yourself to a moment of relaxation. Many of us forget to take time for self-care when we’re stressed or overwhelmed, but Kush Queen makes it easy to unwind.