September is national self-care awareness month. Since self-care is major bae at Kush Queen we sat down with CEO, Olivia Alexander to learn how to build a CBD self-care routine that can actually make us feel better.
What’s the tea on building a CBD self-care routine?
Olivia: I meet so many people who have tried CBD but never felt any benefit. Sure there are a lot of variables here like you could be buying inferior CBD products or using a dose that is too low, but; you could also not understand the key components when it comes to creating harmony in the body with cannabinoids.
When it comes to CBD, most people know this non-psychoactive molecule should not make you feel high, but rather help us feel better. As a long-time CBD user, I have perfected how to approach CBD as a tool for self-care.
Building a CBD self-care routine that makes you feel better day-to-day comes down to 3 things:
- Consistency, we're talking daily use.
- Starting simple then building on your foundation. This shouldn't feel like a task.
- Listening to your body and adjusting over time. We change and so do our needs.
What is the most crucial factor when thinking about adding CBD to your self-care routine?
Olivia: Consistency, consistency, and consistency! The first and overriding element when it comes to building a CBD self-care routine is regular use. You cannot sporadically use these molecules and expect them to improve wellness. In addition, we cannot expect to start using CBD when we are sick or stressed and think it can be a cure-all.
You want to build a routine that is simple, approachable, and can be consistently maintained.
Stick with whatever routine you decide on for a minimum of 30 days before you adjust. Keep it simple and stay focused on consistency.
What is an easy way to get started with building your CBD self-care routine?
Olivia: Start with one thing! Creating a multi-product regimen out the gate can leave you feeling like self-care is a task rather than a wellness tool.
IMO, the best place to start is a daily CBD tincture; morning or night works. For total CBD newbies, I like to recommend Kush Queen’s bare 500mg CBD tincture. This CBD tincture is an approachable product to start integrating into your daily life; plus it's easy to control the dose and travels well.
Now let’s build on this example.
Once you are consistently using a CBD tincture, start to follow your daily use of Bare, with a single weekly CBD bath. There are so many benefits to bathing regularly when you add cannabinoids you unlock even more wellness potential.
While bathing, I like meditating or a list of self-check-in questions that connect me to my mental and physical self. This is where the concept of “really feeling better,” kicks in. When we can align our mind and body needs and hear what our inner self is telling us, we can adjust our routine to help us fill those needs.
Let’s say you don’t have a tub or have the time for a bath, no worries! On some nights, I integrate our Soaked CBD shower gel into my nightly routine.
Lather up with the citrus body wash and let it sit on your skin for at least 30 seconds. Once I’ve lathered up, I breathe deeply and let the uplifting scents take me to a sunny place in my mind.
Remember, getting started is typically the biggest hurdle. Once you start feeling the self-connection and benefits, adding on to your routine is fun!
What’s one of the overlooked elements of creating a CBD self-care routine?
Olivia: It seems like a no-brainer, but checking in with our bodies. If anything, we are taught to ignore what our bodies are communicating.
So many of us lack the mind-body connection required to truly understand if CBD is working for us and creating homeostasis in the body. First, we must slow down and pause to be present enough to listen. Turn your attention inward, take deep breaths, and sit with your body.
Try these for self-connection starter questions:
- How have I been feeling these past 30 days?
- Am I getting enough sleep?
- Am I getting the movement I need?
- Have I experienced changes in my stress level?
Once you understand what your body needs building or adjusting your CBD self-care routine around those needs creates a self-care environment where you feel the benefits.
How can regular CBD users ensure their self-care routine stays impactful?
Olivia: So you have been consistently using CBD for a minimum of 30 days and checking in with your body. It may be time to consider adjusting your dose, adding a new targeted effect, or make changes to your routine.
Ask yourself, what am I trying to achieve? What am I missing that I was once getting? What is my body asking for?
Remember, our endocannabinoid systems are incredibly unique, like your fingerprint and DNA. It is normal to experience trial and error with products or have effects that once worked for you stop having the same impact. Your ability to check-in and adjust your routine is a constant when evolving your wellness and self-care tools.
When using CBD to build a meaningful self-care routine, you must consider what else you are putting into your body. If you're not choosing healthy foods, drinking alcohol, or taking pharmaceutical drugs, manage your expectations for your CBD routine.
Our bodies are incredibly sensitive and so are our minds. I’ve been active with CBD self-care for over 5 years now and I change my routine every 4 months. Most of my changes depend on the season, my stress levels, and maintaining my mind-body connection.
When it comes to using plants for their target effects, the experience is unlike using pharmaceuticals, which you just take daily and go on with your life. With cannabinoids, you are on an ever-evolving journey, but consistency, checking in and making adjustments are key elements to developing a CBD routine that makes you feel better.
It's important to remember that using CBD and feeling better may not be this huge event. Our wellness and improvements are often smaller, simple moments we overlook. Feeling less stressed with current events, sleeping better, being able to enjoy the present more are a few indicators that your CBD self-care routine is working.
New to creating a Kush Queen CBD self-care routine? Use code FREE5 to save $5.00 on your first order!
Ultimately, there is nothing like the power of harnessing your wellness - CBD is the perfect tool to begin that journey.