It’s that time of year when we reflect back on the last 12 months and set new intentions for the future. The typical health-wealth-zealth goals will naturally come up for a lot of folks, but after a year like 2020, there’s no doubt that wellness, self-care, and stress relief will take a front seat. As a cannabis wellness brand, Kush Queen has a variety of products across multiple categories and various doses that can be shipped to your door so you can have that self-care moment without leaving your home.

You might be thinking, “I love that there’s a Kush Queen product for everyone but with so many to choose from, where do I start??” 

Rest assured, we’ve got your back when it comes to finding the right fit for your unique needs. We created a choose-your-own-adventure guide to help you find exactly what you need to stay elevated daily, year-round. We’ll walk you through how to determine your needs, choose a product, and find your ideal dose. We recommend getting a journal or notepad out to get the most out of this guide.

Identify Your Needs

Before you go down the rabbit hole of CBD wellness products, the first thing you should do is some inner research on what needs you’d like CBD to help you with. Going into a wellness journey should be done with intention and mindfulness. Remember that there is no magic pill and any product you use is just one of many possible tools you have at your disposal. 

Start with determining where you are now--is this your first time trying hemp for wellness? Are you looking to compliment other wellness tools you’ve had luck with? Is your current go-to becoming less effective?  Are you curious but also a bit anxious about using cannabinoids in your daily routine? 

Use the need levels below to find your starting point:

  • Light - beginner, starting a wellness journey, newbie to CBD, Boomer; previous unpleasant experience with cannabis
  • Moderate - some experience with CBD & cannabis; looking to broaden wellness tools; moderate pain, insomnia, mood, recovery needs
  • High - well versed with different cannabinoids, high degree of pain, insomnia, mood, recovery needs; lower doses have been ineffective
  • Extra strength - recovering from recent injury/surgery, illness, severe pain, insomnia, mood, recovery needs, well versed with different cannabinoids in high doses and various ingestion methods

Now that you know what level your needs are at, let’s start thinking about what form your wellness tools will take.


Choose a Delivery Method

We make cannabis wellness inclusive by infusing everyday products with top quality hemp extract and intelligently designing them around the entourage effect. 

You might need full body topical relief after strenuous workouts and targeted localized effects for intimacy. Maybe you’re making CBD skin care part of your routine, or looking to boost your endocannabinoid system for daily wellness. Use the chart below to find the products that can deliver the effects you need

  • Topical
    • Bath bomb
    • Topicals
    • Cosmetics
  • Ingestible
    • Gummy
    • Tincture

You probably have more than one product type that seems to be a good fit--that’s a great thing! Now let’s figure out the dose that’s right for you.

Determine your dose

Most of our products come in a range of doses. Even if the dose options are limited, there are ways to enhance or decrease your dose by combining products or using less than a full dose. 

Here are some products we recommend based on a range of doses:

  • Low - 10-25mg CBD - mini bath bombs, 25mg bath bombs, 375mg gummies, up to full dropper of 500mg bare (start low go slow!); all topicals- 1-2 pumps
  • Medium - 25-100mg CBD - 25mg-100mg bath bombs; 750mg gummies, bliss & sleep rx gummies; full dropper 1000mg bare; all topicals 2-4 pumps 
  • High - 100-250mg CBD - 100mg-200mg bath bombs, delta 8 bath bombs; up to full dropper of 2500mg bare; 2ea any Gummies Rx; topicals as needed
  • Extra - 250-1000mg CBD + other cannabinoids - delta 8 bath bombs; 1000mg relieve bath bomb; 5000mg bare; combination of high dose, delta 8 bath bombs; topicals as needed

Mix and match to get the desired outcome

  • Keep a journal of methods and doses to find the most effective 
  • Make note of the combinations that suit your needs
  • Try taking your dose at different times
  • Start low, go slow--you can always take more but you can’t take less!


As you continue on your cannabis wellness journey, revisit this guide from time to time to see how your needs have changed. Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to find out about new products and special offers from Kush Queen!